Modern Design

3 Best Life Design Ideas to Get You Started This Holiday Season

This holiday season, why not give yourself the gift of a fresh start? Life design is a powerful tool that can help you get unstuck and lead a more meaningful and intentional life. Whether you’re looking to make a lifestyle change or just get a bit more organized, these three life design ideas will get…
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5 Creative Ways To Maximize Storage Space

A problem that many households face is The Storage Problem! We all know that we have minimal storage space at home and I am sure there were times when you didn't buy something only because of the thought of where will I keep this!  Over the last 15 years, we have tried and tested ways…
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The Complete Guide To Wall Decoration In 2023

Adding your personal touch to your home decor is a great way to make it more welcoming and comfortable. Your living space should reflect your unique personality and style by creating the right ambiance. Decorating your walls with luxurious wallpapers and fabrics can transform even the most ordinary home into a warm and inviting retreat.…
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The Perfect Home From A Family’s Perspective

It’s easy to get caught up in the beauty of a home’s aesthetic, particularly when that home has marble counters and large windows. But the most important factor in deciding whether or not a property is right for your family is not about what the house looks like on the outside, but what it makes…
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6 Wondrous Ways To Use Plants In Luxury Interior Design

The right houseplants can do much more than merely enhance the ambiance and air quality of your home. They can also transform the look of any space, including your living room, kitchen, or bedroom. When it comes to touching up and refreshing the décor of your home, nothing beats the right kind of plants. These…
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How to pick the right lights for your kitchen to make it look luxurious

Remodeling your kitchen does not necessarily require a complete renovation. Simply changing the lighting in your kitchen can completely transform how it appears and operates. In case you're not sure how to switch up your lighting, we've got some ideas for you, which will make you want to glam up your cooking space! Why is…
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5 Tips To Differentiate A Luxury Home From An Ordinary One

The word ‘luxury’ is often misunderstood as an excessive or extravagant expense. However, luxury interior design offers more than just a pretty painting on the wall or a fancy chandelier in your foyer. It can be defined as an interior design that is pleasing to the eye and makes one feel at ease. Here are…
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How To Design Your Office For Productivity and Profit

If you're sick of working in a dull and boring office, then it's high time to spruce it up by adding some chic design elements. Start with these 5 simple design elements to create an office space that is uber-relaxing, comfortable, and productive to work in. 1. Providing both private and open spaces Lack of…
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